Easiest Way to Cook Tasty Pisang Goreng Kelapa Parut (Fried Banana With Coconut Shredded)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Pisang Goreng Kelapa Parut (Fried Banana With Coconut Shredded).

Pisang Goreng Kelapa Parut (Fried Banana With Coconut Shredded) You can cook Pisang Goreng Kelapa Parut (Fried Banana With Coconut Shredded) using 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Pisang Goreng Kelapa Parut (Fried Banana With Coconut Shredded)

  1. You need 4 of bananas, cut into squares.
  2. Prepare 150 gram of grated coconut.
  3. You need 60 g of rice flour.
  4. You need 150-200 gram of plan flour.
  5. Prepare 1 of egg.
  6. It's 1/4 teaspoon of salt.
  7. Prepare 200 cc of ice water.
  8. Prepare of Oil for deep frying.

Pisang Goreng Kelapa Parut (Fried Banana With Coconut Shredded) instructions

  1. Mix flour, rice flour, and salt together. Stir well. Add eggs and water a little at a time. Stir well..
  2. Add grated banana and coconut. Stir well. Fry in oil that has been heated over medium heat until cooked..