Easiest Way to Cook Tasty mango vodka-lada (mvl)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

mango vodka-lada (mvl).

mango vodka-lada (mvl) You can have mango vodka-lada (mvl) using 6 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of mango vodka-lada (mvl)

  1. You need of ice.
  2. You need of pineapples.
  3. You need of mangos.
  4. It's of cream of coconut.
  5. Prepare of skyy vodka.
  6. You need of vanilla extract.

mango vodka-lada (mvl) step by step

  1. add ice to blender.
  2. add vanilla to blender.
  3. add cream of coconut to blender.
  4. add fruit to blender.
  5. add vodka to blender.
  6. blend on med. until it is smooth.
  7. pour into glasses.