Recipe: Yummy Creamy coconut milkshake

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Creamy coconut milkshake.

Creamy coconut milkshake You can cook Creamy coconut milkshake using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Creamy coconut milkshake

  1. Prepare of whole coconut.
  2. You need of Powdered milk.
  3. You need of Sugar.
  4. It's of Vanilla ice cream.
  5. Prepare of Crushed ice.

Creamy coconut milkshake instructions

  1. Remove the coconut shell and scrape the black part of the coconut and grate for easy blending or cut into small pieces.
  2. Blend the coconut with reasonable amount of water and remove the chaff i didn't add water because i want it thick.
  3. Put the coconut milk back into the blender add your milk ice cream sugar to taste ice and blend all together and enjoy the creamy goodness 😋😋.