Recipe: Appetizing Dalgona Coffee (Vegan Version)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Dalgona Coffee (Vegan Version).

Dalgona Coffee (Vegan Version) You can cook Dalgona Coffee (Vegan Version) using 5 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Dalgona Coffee (Vegan Version)

  1. Prepare of Instant Coffee.
  2. You need of Sugar.
  3. It's of Hot Water.
  4. You need of Cold Coconut milk to serve.
  5. It's of Ice (optional).

Dalgona Coffee (Vegan Version) step by step

  1. Whizz up the coffee, sugar and hot water until it is foamy..
  2. In a glass pour the milk halfway, add the ice. Spoon on the foamed coffee on top and enjoy!.