How to Cook Perfect Coconut Drink

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Coconut Drink.

Coconut Drink You can have Coconut Drink using 8 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Coconut Drink

  1. You need of coconut.
  2. You need of I tin of liquid milk.
  3. Prepare of powdered milk.
  4. It's of sugar.
  5. Prepare of fresh ginger.
  6. It's of cloves.
  7. Prepare of cinnamon powder.
  8. You need of Ice.

Coconut Drink step by step

  1. Here are all the ingredients you need.
  2. Break the coconut and cut into small pieces. Put into a blender. Add in the coconut water.
  3. Add in the fresh ginger and cloves.
  4. Add in sugar.
  5. Add in powdered milk.
  6. Add in cinnamon powder.
  7. Blend until smooth and sieve. Add in ice block and the liquid milk. Add in sugar if required.
  8. Serve.