Recipe: Delicious Ginger and lemon juice

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ginger and lemon juice.

Ginger and lemon juice You can cook Ginger and lemon juice using 5 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Ginger and lemon juice

  1. It's of fresh fingers of ginger root.
  2. It's of medium lemon.
  3. You need of Sugar.
  4. You need of Pineapple and coconut powderer juice (foster Clark).
  5. You need of Ice.

Ginger and lemon juice step by step

  1. Remove the back of your ginger make it look light yellow.
  2. Blend the ginger and sieve it with medium amount of water.
  3. Then cut the lemon and extract it mix it together with the ginger.
  4. Add sugar and powdered coconut and pineapple juice. Put it in fridge or add ice cubes to make it cool..