Recipe: Perfect Simple smoothies 🍌 +🍍 + 🍑

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Simple smoothies 🍌 +🍍 + 🍑.

Simple smoothies 🍌 +🍍 + 🍑 You can cook Simple smoothies 🍌 +🍍 + 🍑 using 6 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Simple smoothies 🍌 +🍍 + 🍑

  1. Prepare of Pineapple.
  2. It's of Banana.
  3. You need of Ice (or more).
  4. You need of Honey.
  5. You need of a cup Coconut milk.
  6. It's of Peaches.

Simple smoothies 🍌 +🍍 + 🍑 step by step

  1. Add everything into a blender. Blend and enjoy..