Recipe: Appetizing Easy thai deep fried banana dessert

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Easy thai deep fried banana dessert.

Easy thai deep fried banana dessert You can cook Easy thai deep fried banana dessert using 14 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Easy thai deep fried banana dessert

  1. It's of Main.
  2. It's of to large bananas slice into medium to thick pieces.
  3. It's of oil to deep fry.. Use 3 - 4 cups depending.
  4. Prepare of batter.
  5. It's of rice flour (or all purpose).
  6. You need of baking soda.
  7. It's of corn starch.
  8. It's of white sugar.
  9. Prepare of water.
  10. It's of salt.
  11. It's of shredded coconut(optional).
  12. Prepare of Topping.
  13. You need of ice cream scoop.
  14. You need of maple syrup drizzled over or alternative.

Easy thai deep fried banana dessert step by step

  1. chop bananas into equal portions.
  2. heat up oil on low - medium heat.
  3. mix all the dry ingredients together.
  4. slowly add the water to the dry ingredients making a thick batter.
  5. dip the banana pieces in the batter , once oil has heated place in the oil.
  6. Turn the bananas once theyre half cooked on the one side. Should be a minute on either side or until golden brown and crispy.
  7. remove and drain on kitchen towel to remove any excess oil.
  8. serve with vanilla icecream. Drizzle maple syrup or alternative. Enjoy.