Easiest Way to Make Delicious Coconut ice cream

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Coconut ice cream.

Coconut ice cream You can cook Coconut ice cream using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Coconut ice cream

  1. It's of ice cream powder.
  2. You need of coconut milk.
  3. It's of cold water.
  4. It's of condensed milk.
  5. It's of grated cocunut.
  6. It's of teaspn vanilla flavor.

Coconut ice cream step by step

  1. In a mixing bowl add cold water, condensed milk, vanilla flavor and coconut milk.
  2. Mixed and add ice cream powder.
  3. Mixed in a high speed until you get stiff peak then add grated coconut nd mixed together.
  4. Transfer the ice cream into a container and sprinkle some grated coconut, cover and freeze over night.
  5. Scoop your ice cream and sprinkle some coconut flakes and enjoy.