Recipe: Delicious Moccha coconut iced coffee

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Moccha coconut iced coffee. The best part about making this iced mocha coconut drink at home is that YOU get to control how much sugar to add. And don't use something wacky like strawberry. Because then it will just taste… weird.

Moccha coconut iced coffee And to finish - they're topped with whipped cream, more fudge sauce, and toasted coconut! I crave a mocha coconut iced coffee as soon as the summer heat hits. It's so much fun trying out new recipes and testing them out on friends and family. You can cook Moccha coconut iced coffee using 6 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Moccha coconut iced coffee

  1. Prepare 250 ml of Chilled Coconut milk(unsweeten).
  2. You need 1 cup of Coffee or chilled Esspreso (fillterd/esppresso/normal).
  3. Prepare 2 scoop of Chocolate ice cream.
  4. It's 2 tsp of Sugar.
  5. It's 2 tsp of Cocoa (dark).
  6. Prepare 3-4 drop of Vanila extract.

I tried this one out this weekend and it was a total hit. Everyone was asking me for this coconut milk coffee recipe and couldn't believe it was homemade. Free coffee plus I got to chat with other people that loved coffee. But at least coffee helped them on their way to Don't let the name scare you.

Moccha coconut iced coffee instructions

  1. Combine chilled coconut milk with the chilled espresso, cocoa, extracts, sweetener(sugar,condensed milk), and chocolate ice cream. Whisk or blend it until Smoothen & dissolve cocoa..
  2. Now Pour into a glass filled with lotsof ice. N garnish with cocoa powder and serve chilled..
  3. Noe moccha coconut iced coffee is tready to serve..

This Iced Coconut Milk Mocha Macchiato is stupid easy to make! I mean coconut milk, with a touch of Silk Vanilla Almond. Mocha Coconut Iced Coffee is cool, refreshing and packed with coconut and chocolate flavor. It's made with with Dunkin' Donuts Coconut Ground Coffee, coconut extract coconut milk and cocoa powder. Top it with coconut whipped cream and chocolate chips!