Easiest Way to Cook Tasty Young Coconut with Melon Juice (CIKAL DOGAN)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Young Coconut with Melon Juice (CIKAL DOGAN).

Young Coconut with Melon Juice (CIKAL DOGAN) You can cook Young Coconut with Melon Juice (CIKAL DOGAN) using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Young Coconut with Melon Juice (CIKAL DOGAN)

  1. Prepare 1 pc of degan (young coconut).
  2. It's 300 gr of melon.
  3. Prepare 1 pc of lemon, take the water.
  4. It's to taste of Simple syrup / sugar.
  5. You need of Shaved ice.

Young Coconut with Melon Juice (CIKAL DOGAN) instructions

  1. Take coconut water, set aside. Scrape the young coconut meat and set aside..
  2. Melon shape into small round, the rest of the flesh of the fruit in a blender along with coconut water and simple syrup..
  3. Place the melon juice in a serving glass, add ice to taste. Give young coconut shavings and roundness melon, add the lime juice..