Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Curry Chicken

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Curry Chicken.

Curry Chicken You can have Curry Chicken using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Curry Chicken

  1. It's of Curry.
  2. You need of onion.
  3. Prepare of inch ginger peeled.
  4. It's of garlic.
  5. Prepare of fresh cilantro.
  6. It's of Curry Powder.
  7. Prepare of Scotch Bonnet or Habanero Pepper.
  8. It's of Olive oil.
  9. You need of Chicken Drumsticks.
  10. Prepare of water.
  11. It's of chopped fresh cilantro.

Curry Chicken step by step

  1. Chop the ends of the drumstick (optional).
  2. In a food processor combine olive oil, onion rough chopped, habanero or scotch bonnet pepper, fresh cilantro, curry powder, garlic cloves, peeled ginger..
  3. Pour curry marinade over chicken and massage so every piece gets flavor. Let sit in fridge for about an hour..
  4. In a nice size pan or pot. Pour 2 tbsp olive oil and sear the chicken til brown on all sides..
  5. Add fresh chopped cilantro and water. Let simmer for 45 mins. If sauce gets dry add a little more water..