How to Make Appetizing Turmeric Chicken Rice

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Turmeric Chicken Rice.

Turmeric Chicken Rice You can cook Turmeric Chicken Rice using 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Turmeric Chicken Rice

  1. You need of uncook rice.
  2. It's of water.
  3. It's of butter.
  4. It's of chicken drumstick cut into 8 chunk.
  5. You need of turmeric pounded paste.
  6. You need of fresh ginger.
  7. Prepare of size of fresh turmeric.
  8. It's of lemongrass.
  9. It's of garlic.
  10. You need of small shallot.
  11. It's of seasoning.
  12. You need of light soy sauce.
  13. You need of salt.

Turmeric Chicken Rice step by step

  1. Shallow non stick pan.
  2. In pan melt butter with turmeric pounded paste then brown chicken.
  3. Add washed uncook rice with seasoning and stir fry to mix well then add water.
  4. Bring it to a boil then simmer with lid cover for 15 minute.
  5. Off heat and DONT OPEN LID for another 5 minutes...this is the make sure that the rice are fully cooked and fluffy.