Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Pollo en Crema Morron

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Pollo en Crema Morron. Cómo hacer pollo a la crema con morrón. Corta en rodajas la cebolla blanca y corta el chile morrón en tiritas. Limpiar los morrones, cortarlos en pequeños trozos y ponerlos a hervir hasta que estén cocidos.

Pollo en Crema Morron Cocinamos la pechuga de pollo a la plancha, poniendo sal y pimienta al. (Pollo a la crema). Pollo en crema is a popular Guatemalan dish that is also popular in El Salvador and Mexico. It consists of chicken breasts that are drenched in a rich, creamy sauce made with loroco (edible green flowers), chayote or zucchini, yellow potatoes, green chile peppers, onions, and cream. You can cook Pollo en Crema Morron using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Pollo en Crema Morron

  1. Prepare 1 package of mixed drumsticks and chicken thighs.
  2. It's 1/2 tub of Daisy Sour Cream.
  3. Prepare 1 of medium jar of ROASTED Bell Peppers.
  4. It's 4 tablespoons of Chicken flavored Knorr Swizza.
  5. Prepare 1/2 of onion.
  6. Prepare 1/3 cup of milk.
  7. Prepare 1 can of Sweet Corn.

We have a local restaurant (El Campesino) that makes a similar dish called Pollo Con Crema, and I was hoping that this would be a rendition of it. Pollo Con Crema Y Papas (Chicken, Potatoes in Sour Cream Sauce)Food.com. ➡ pollo + queso crema + morrón y ciboulette. ➡ kanikama + queso crema + morrón y ciboulette. El pollo con pimiento morrón, es un plato practico, sabroso y saludable. Licuar el pimiento Morrón, queso crema, leche evaporada y la crema.

Pollo en Crema Morron instructions

  1. Boil your pit with plenty of water to boil chicken pieces with salt (to taste) and 1/4 piece of onion..
  2. 40 mins later on high your chicken should be done and fully cooked. Drain your chicken and set aside..
  3. Blend your 1/2 tub of Daisy Sour Cream with your 4 tablespoons of Knorr Swizza, 1 jar of roasted bell peppers, and the 1/3 cup of milk. (The milk is so your blender doesn't struggle blending the roasted peppers with the sour cream) you want this mixture not too thick or too watery..
  4. Heat a pan and place your drained chicken Pieces with the drained can of sweet corn on top of chicken, and add the blended mixture..
  5. Simmer on medium for about 5 minutes just while the mixture turns a bright orange colors and it's done! Serve hot with white rice and enjoy..

En una cacerola derretir la mantequilla y freír los cubos de pollo, incorporar la salsa que se licuó y sazonar con sal. Dejar hervir unos minutos a fuego bajo, agregar el espaguetti y dejar hervir unos minutos mas. ¡Aprende a preparar Crema de pimiento morrón con esta receta fácil y divertida! Cocina con Inspiración y descubre todos los tips saludables que NESTLÉ tiene para ti. Prepara una crema de pimiento morrón con CARNATION® CLAVEL®. Receta de suero casero con zanahoria.